2023-2024 Undergraduate General Catalog


BIOL 105 Survey of Anatomy and Physiology

This course is a study of the structure and functions of the human body at the tissue, organ, and system level. Laboratory work includes: investigative laboratory experiments, histological examinations, specific organ dissections, and whole specimen dissections of a fetal pig and rat that investigate all body systems concurrently.



BIOL 108 Introduction to Tropical Field Research

This course will provide students with a real-life science research immersion experience which can serve as the basis for launching a career in science - particularly in the life sciences, environmental science, or medical fields. The course will also give students an intercultural experience that brings out shared as well as unique life challenges facing people living in a remote rainforest location. Offered summers only and includes a 10-day immersion in Costa Rica.



BIOL 109 Comparative Microbial Bioinformatics Research in Costa Rica

Students conduct a comparative study of microbes using computational biology (bioinformatics) tools. The course focusses on microbial bioinformatics because microbes are central to all environments on the planet, drive biogeochemical cycles, and perform functions vital to all life forms. Students are introduced to Joint Genome Institute's (JGI) Integrated Microbial Genomes and Microbiomes (IMG/M) platform. Working in teams once in Costa Rica, students conduct comparative bioinformatics research, generate an original research question, and use their new-found expertise in microbial bioinformatics tools to address that question. Offered Summer only and includes a 10-day experience in Costa Rica.



BIOL 110 Biology and Human Concerns (NS)

A study of biology with an emphasis on ecological, genetic, and evolutionary concepts. Topics such as disruption of ecosystems, human population growth, world food and energy shortages, human disease, and genetic engineering will be examined and discussed. Intended for non-science majors outside the Natural Science Division. The course includes 2 hours of lab work each week.



BIOL 120 Biological Principles I (NS)

An introduction to the study of biology with an emphasis on genetic, ecological, and evolutionary concepts. The course includes 2 hours laboratory experience each week.



BIOL 121 Biological Principles II

A study of the major taxonomic groupings of plants and animals using an evolutionary approach followed by an in-depth study of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and the physiological processes responsible for control and integration in both plants and animals. The course includes 3 hours laboratory experience each week.




BIOL 120; CHEM 116 or CHEM 120

BIOL 150 Human Anatomy

A study of the structure of the human body at the tissue, organ, and system level. Laboratory work includes dissection and histological studies.



BIOL 180 Introduction to Environmental Science (SI)

This introductory course will integrate concepts and material from several disciplines to analyze and evaluate current environmental problems, study specific pollutants, and evaluate consequences of their continued production. A modern and holistic approach is designed to meet both the needs of non-majors with a serious concern about environmental issues and the needs of students who intend to pursue career objectives in environmental science or ecology.



BIOL 197 Topics:

Special Topics in Biology.
