2019-2020 Undergraduate General Catalog


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PHYS 120 From Atoms To Stars: History of Science (WT)

A mark of a great book is that everyone knows the ideas it contains even if most may not know that the book exists. Such is the case with Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn’s influence is felt every time one speaks of a “paradigm shift” or “disruption in the marketplace”. This course examines revolutionary periods in western science in cultural and intellectual context, from ancient Greece, to the transformative periods of 16th and 17th century Europe, to modern revolutions in quantum theory, cosmology, complexity, and biology. Students will investigate the applicability of Kuhn’s model in each situation. A study, designed for non-science majors, of developments in scientific thinking from Aristotle to Einstein. The focus of the course is on the transition from Aristotelian, to Newtonian, to Modern Physics. This course does not have a lab component.



PHYS 140 Energy and the Environment (SI)

The hardest part of energy problems are the associated environmental costs. The most difficult part of our environmental challenge is energy demand. Energetic processes are governed by strict physical laws and tend to increase the disorder of physical systems. Traditionally, these processes have used highly efficient but increasingly limited natural resources. Against this backdrop we are called to “love your neighbor as yourself”. As society seeks to move to more sustainable energy sources and deal with the consequences of previous energy related practices, this course will examine the complexities involved in balancing physical, moral, environmental, economic, and international policy aspects of the energy challenge.




Natural Science course


somewhat related to past CIVT 203 course but adapted for larger class

PHYS 141 A Small Introduction to Big Science (SI)

The term “Big Science” is a term to describe scientific research that requires large collaboration and significant resources. The resource requirements often mean that only federal agencies can support the research and the personnel resources often make the project international. We will introduce the Standard Models of Particle Physics and/or Cosmology. Depending on the topics covered we’ll introduce the technological base of those project. For example accelerators and detectors that are used in particle physics experiments. We will examine a few specific projects for example the discovery of the Higgs Boson. We will discuss the scientific implications on society, including technology “spin-offs”. We will have discussions on the cost-benefits for some “big science.”




Natural Science Course

PHYS 142 Let There Be Light (SI)

Light surrounds us and informs our daily life.  In this course for non physics majors, we will examine many aspects of light and its impact on the world around us.  We will begin by studying geometric optics - the optics of shadows, lenses, fiber optics, and rainbows. We will then move onto wave optics - the optics of anti-reflective coatings, pointillism, and polarized sunglasses.  Finally, we will wrap up by considering the quantum mechanical nature of light - the physics behind solar power, LASERs, and optical tweezers. As we study these topics, emphasis will be placed on the everyday applications of the physics concepts and their impact on the world.




One course from Science in the Natural World

PHYS 190 Astronomy (NS)

A survey of our current knowledge about the physical universe. Designed for the student interested in such topics as the solar system, nova, comets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, black holes, extraterrestrial life and who wants to increase his or her knowledge of our place in the cosmos. Includes observations of the night sky. 



PHYS 197 Topics:

Selected topics offered on sufficient demand. Topics include partifcle physics, atomic and molecular physics, acoustics, biophysics, and solid state physics.



PHYS 199 Independent Study

Independent study of topics approved by department.


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