2025-2026 Graduate Catalog

Honor Code

As a community of scholars, the students and faculty of Augustana University commit to the highest standards of excellence by mutually embracing an Honor Code. As a University of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, we understand the individual and collective responsibility we have in fostering integrity. Ultimately, our purpose is to be an engaged body of academically excellent, highly articulate, and morally centered persons who learn about and examine the world together. We believe that only when we are honest with ourselves and each other can we begin to contribute to the world in a meaningful manner.
Augustana’s Honor Code consists of inter-related elements that guide scholarship and learning; the Honor Pledge, the Honor Board, and a set of judicial procedures that guide the University’s adjudication of academic integrity violations.

Honor Pledge:

The Honor Code states the principles that guide our work together. Students will sign an honor pledge on every examination and other assignments deemed appropriate by the faculty member. The Honor Pledge is as follows:

“On my honor, I pledge that I have upheld the Honor Code, and that the work I have done on this assignment has been honest, and that the work of others in this class has, to the best of my knowledge, been honest as well.”

For more information on the Augustana Honor Code visit www.augie.edu/honor.