2025-2026 Graduate Catalog
Reservation of Authority
Augustana University reserves the right to modify or change the curriculum, admission and degree requirements, tuition or fees, and other policies without prior notice. The information in this catalog is not regarded as creating a binding contract between the student and Augustana University. The most recent changes to these policies can be found at www.augie.edu.
Privacy Policy
Augustana University strives to ensure the privacy and accuracy of confidential information. View our online privacy policy at www.augie.edu/privacy.
Notice of Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
The heart of Augustana University is its faculty and its academic programs. We believe that classroom and personal instruction should be the primary focus of the collegiate experience. The University also promotes involvement and encourages each student to make a contribution to the life of the campus community. Augustana will consider for admission any student whose character is consistent with the mission of the University and who shows evidence of ability to benefit from university life.
Augustana University is committed to providing equal opportunities for access to and participation in its programs and services, without regard to sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability, except that, as an institution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the University reserves the right to use a qualification based on religion if such a qualification is related to a bona fide occupational requirement. Augustana has designated the Director for Human Resources as the University’s affirmative action officer.
Assistance for Students With Disabilities
Augustana University will consider a request for reasonable accommodations from any student (full or part time) with a documented disability. The purpose of accommodations is to ensure that students are not discriminated against on the basis of their disability and that the University is providing accessibility in programs and activities. Students need to substantiate the need for services by providing current and appropriate documentation to be submitted by a qualified professional. The documentation must clearly identify the disability and its impact on the student’s current level of functioning in a post-secondary setting. Services and accommodations are provided on a case by case basis to meet the individual needs of the student.
It is in the student’s best interest to contact the Director of Accessibility and Academic Support at least three weeks prior to the beginning of each academic term so that appropriate accommodations can be planned in a timely manner. Contact the Student Academic Support Service Office at 605.274.4631 or accessibility@augie.edu with your questions.
Augustana University is committed to offering equal access to people with disabilities. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA),the University does not exclude otherwise qualified persons with disabilities, solely by reason of the disability, from participating in university programs and activities, nor are persons with disabilities denied the benefits of these programs or subjected to discrimination.