2024-2025 Undergraduate General Catalog


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BIOL 205 Life Cycles: Birth, Death and the History of Medicine (SI)

This course will offer greater understanding of the history of medicine and how the hospital has become a central institution to life. Beginning with a historic and scientific discussion of child-birth, the course will then focus on cancer and diabetes as examples of diseases to which the human body is susceptible and conclude with a discussion of death as part of life. Central to each of these themes will be the ethical questions and complexities that cannot be separated from the practical aspects of caring for life. Through case studies, lab work, group projects, and invited guests, the class will offer students an understanding of the increasingly complex nature of the science of care.



Cross Listed Courses

HIST 205


Every other Spring, even years

BIOL 207 Winter Ecology and Outdoor Adventures (SI)

This course will focus on how organisms survive winter conditions in South Dakota.  We will learn about the conditions that organisms must endure, their strategies for staying alive, and some of the consequences of these strategies.  We will also learn how we can not just survive in winter conditions, but thrive.  We will learn some survival skills, experience winter sports, and examine closely our relationship with the winter season.  There will be a four-day trip to the Black Hills in order to guarantee some snowy conditions to practice what we have learned.




NS course completion preferred.

BIOL 209 Medieval Medicine: The Art and Science of Healing (SI)

This course explores medieval healing and medicine in comparison to modern healthcare, examining both the advancements made through the scientific method and the enduring value of medieval practices. Students will embark on a walking pilgrimage along St. Hildegard of Bingen's path in Germany, studying her writings and remedies, and reflecting on her holistic approach to health. The journey continues in Rome, focusing on Galen’s medical practices and discoveries, and concludes with a visit to Assisi to explore the Franciscan view of healing.



BIOL 215 Neuroscience and Society (SI)

A recent explosion of neuroscience discoveries has attracted attention from individuals who want to treat mental illness, advance technology, and improve themselves and our way of life. Still, we know relatively little about how the brain works. Using case studies, popular media, lay and scientific literature, and a visit to a neuroscience laboratory to stimulate discussion and writing, students will acquire an understanding of modern neurobiology and skills in scientific literacy that will allow them to interpret new science, evaluate common beliefs about the mind and the brain, and grapple with the implications of brain science in their lives.




Every other Spring, odd years

BIOL 216 Beer, Brie, and Bread: Preserving the Planet (SI)

This introductory course will familiarize students with the science, history, and culture of zymology (fermentation) and food preservation.  Topics presented will include how food preservation advanced civilization, how fermentation is used to save lives as well as create beer, and how preservation techniques contribute to a sustainable lifestyle.  Guest speakers, virtual field trips, and hands-on learning will provide an enriched learning experience. Knowledge gained through this course can be utilized by all majors interested in minimizing their impact on the environment, and those interested in the science of fermentation in research and consumer sciences.




Every Fall

BIOL 217 The Ecology of Food (E)(SI)

How do our food choices impact people, organisms, and the environment? What we eat, how we produce food, and how we distribute it are choices with ethical and ecological impacts. This course will help us understand the scientific underpinnings of our food system and recognize the impacts of our food choices. We will cover the evolution of our diet and how that impacts current diseases. We will study the limits of food production, differences between organic and industrial agricultural systems, genetically modified foods, and agricultural subsidies and the impacts of industrial farming on human health, animal welfare, and workers.




Most Interims

BIOL 219 Big Data in Medicine (SI)

Students will be introduced to the fields of genetics and genomics with an emphasis on understanding how genetic technology affects their everyday lives and how the general public learns about and uses new genetic technology. Students will learn the material through lecture, discussion, case studies, and reading the scientific literature. The course will also feature guest lectures from members of the community involved in big data in medicine. Finally, students will apply their knowledge by analyzing data from the Sanford data collaborative data set and presenting their findings to a general audience.



Cross Listed Courses

COSC 219

BIOL 225 Human Physiology

A study of the function, integration, and coordination of the organ systems of the human body with an emphasis on homeostatic control mechanisms. This course includes an experimental laboratory in which basic human physiological responses are studied. This course is not intended for biology majors.
FOUR total prerequisites:
1. BIOL 110 or BIOL 120
2. BIOL 121 or BIOL 150
3. CHEM 111, CHEM 116, or CHEM 120
4. CHEM 145 or CHEM 201 or EXSC 320 (may be either a pre- or co-requisite)





Every Fall, Spring and Summer

BIOL 233 Genetics

Genetics is the study of heredity, the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring. This course covers Mendelian genetics, mitosis and meiosis, genetic mapping, non-Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal structure, mutations, DNA and RNA structure, transcription, translation, molecular genetics, data analysis, and human genetics. Students will discover how these fundamental concepts are applied in biotechnology, forensics, medicine, society, and genomics. The course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in science or a science-related field. Three hour laboratory sessions provide hands-on experiences in genetic mapping, molecular genetics, genetic engineering, and bioinformatics.




BIOL 120


Every Fall

BIOL 234 Cell Biology

This course provides foundational background on the methodologies used in studying cells and the elements of cellular thermodynamics and enzyme kinetics. The ultrastructure and function of all major eukaryotic cell structures are covered in detail. Other major topics addressed are the principles of cell metabolism and its regulation, membrane transport, the cell cycle, and cell signaling. The course concludes with integrative topics such as the biology of cancer. The concurrent three hour laboratory acquaints students with techniques employed in cell biology, including cell culture and different forms of microscopy. The course reinforces primary research literacy through scientific journal reading.




BIOL 233; CHEM 145 or CHEM 201 (CHEM 145 or CHEM 201 may be taken concurrently)


Every Spring

BIOL 250 Introductory Microbiology

This course is intended to acquaint the student with the biology and importance of bacteria and viruses. Particular emphasis will be placed on the microbes that cause important infectious diseases afflicting humans, virulence of pathogens, immunology, and selected aspects of applied microbiology with public health implications (e.g., drinking water and sewage treatment). The laboratory will introduce a wide variety of standard microbial techniques. This course is intended for students outside the biology major.




BIOL 225 or BIOL 234; CHEM 111, CHEM 116 or CHEM 120; CHEM 145 or CHEM 201


Every Spring

BIOL 296 Curricular Practical Training

Students on an F-1 visa are eligible to work off campus to provide additional experience so long as the employment relates directly to the student's major area of study. The practical experience gained outside the traditional classroom supplements the theoretical and/or applied knowledge as a part of the student's coursework. The registration process for this course must be completed every term (including summers), as students must have their work authorization reissued each term to ensure continued enrollment. Jobs must be approved and verified by the International Programs Office before work may begin.



BIOL 297 Topics:

Special Topics in Biology.



BIOL 299 Independent Study

Intended to provide experience in research or special techniques in biology on an individual basis. This course designation may not be used to replace a 300-level elective.


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Permission of the Instructor