2021-2022 Undergraduate General Catalog


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NURS 315 Health Assessment for International Nursing Students

The course focuses on health assessment through the life span.  Content areas include health, functional, and risk assessment to inform health planning for individuals and groups across health care settings.  Developmental and functional assessment will place emphasis on the older adult. Health patterns of individuals and groups are examined in relation to definitions of health, cultural perspectives, and quality of life issues.  Standards of quality and safety relative to health assessment are emphasized. Clinical experiences are scheduled in campus and simulation learning labs to provide for the review and refinement of nursing skills. This course is for international students only.   




NURS 228


NURS 200; NURS 326; NURS 330

NURS 324 Health Assessment & Nutrition

This course focuses on the comprehensive assessment of individuals across the life span. Emphasis is placed on completion of a holistic assessment of individuals and interpretation of assessment findings to develop plans of care. Therapeutic communication techniques are introduced. Clinical learning includes skills lab, simulation, seminar, and patient care experiences focused on application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes from nursing in the care of the adult and older adult patient.




NURS 228


NURS 200; NURS 326; NURS 330

NURS 326 Foundations of Nursing Practice II

This is the second of an eight credit hour sequence in Foundations of Nursing Practice. This course focuses on foundational nursing concepts, skills, and techniques for providing holistic care to patients and families with varied lived experiences of wellness and illness. Emphasis is placed on application of the nursing process, introductory development of clinical reasoning skills, and communication with members of the interprofessional healthcare team. Basic clinical skills utilizing evidence-based practice and information technology are also learned to encourage the provision of safe, quality, and patient-centered care. Clinical learning includes skills lab, simulation, seminar, and patient care experiences focused on application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes from nursing in the care of the adult patient.




NURS 228


NURS 200; NURS 324; NURS 330

NURS 330 Pharmacology

This course focuses on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drug therapy across the lifespan. Course content builds upon pathophysiology knowledge. Emphasis is placed upon drug classification, mechanism of action, indications, therapeutic effects, contraindications and adverse reactions. The nurse’s role in medication administration, assessment of drug effects and patient education are discussed. Attention is given to cultural, legal, ethical, and safety implications.




NURS 228


NURS 200; NURS 324; NURS 326

NURS 340 Adult Health Nursing I

This course is the first semester of an eight credit hour sequence in Adult Health Nursing. This course focuses on the holistic care of the adult with varied lived experiences of wellness and illness. Emphasis is placed on applying the nursing process while integrating belief patterns and values to the care of individuals living with acute and chronic disease. Clinical learning includes skills lab, simulation, seminar, and patient care experiences focused on application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes from nursing in the care of adults and families.




NURS 324; NURS 326; NURS 330

NURS 352 Pediatric Nursing

This course focuses on the holistic care of children and families with varied lived experiences of wellness and illness. Emphasis is placed on implementing the nursing process while integrating principles of growth and development, belief patterns, and values of the child and family. Health promotion and disease prevention concepts are also examined. Clinical learning includes skills lab, simulation, seminar, and patient care experiences focused on application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes from nursing in the care of children and families.




NURS 324; NURS 326; NURS 330

NURS 388 Epidemiology for Public Health Practice

This course covers the application of epidemiologic concepts and procedures to the understanding of the occurrence and control of health conditions. Epidemiologic measures and sources of data, as well as understanding of epidemiologic study designs, are applied to current and emerging health problems facing society today.



NURS 395 Internship

This practicum experience for senior level nursing majors may be taken for 1-2 credits (one credit is equal to 40 practicum hours). It provides an opportunity for students to integrate nursing theory and nursing research as well as the principles of nursing practice into an intensive, preceptored experience.


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