2020-2021 Undergraduate General Catalog
2020-2021 Undergraduate General Catalog » Academic Program » Chemistry » Chemistry Major (ACS)
Graduates completing these requirements are approved by the American Chemical Society. The Chemistry Department strongly recommends that students preparing for graduate study in chemistry complete the ACS Approved Chemistry Major.
All CHEM courses require students to have earned a C- or better grade for each/any CHEM course prerequisites.
An advanced course in PHYS, MATH, or BIOL may substitute for an advanced CHEM course on prior approval of the Chemistry Department Chair. CHEM 395 and CHEM 399 do not count toward the 300-level elective.
Following is one possible way to complete the major.
Students should fill in gaps with coursework required for the core curriculum and other majors/minors to take an average of 14 credit hours each fall and spring, and 3-4 credit hours each Interim. Total credit hours needs to be 124 for degree completion.