2020-2021 Undergraduate General Catalog


History, the written record of the past, serves as the memory of humanity, and provides society with a common frame of reference. The study of history presents a panoramic view of human behavior, enhancing our understanding of self and others. This is true whether one studies the Western or the non-Western world.

Introductory courses supply both intellectual enrichment and a foundation for not only other history courses, but also for other fields of study such as religion, philosophy, science, politics, literature, music, and the fine arts. Embedded in our History curriculum are practices designed to enhance a student’s ability to conceptualize, analyze, research, write and speak well.

Students majoring in history develop a unique historical mentality, including an understanding of an interpretive approach to their sources. By an open-minded yet critical examination of evidence, they progress to self-directed research and writing, mindful of pertinent methodologies and philosophies of history. Majors may apply historical skills and perspectives by participating in various internship and study-abroad opportunities.

Some History majors continue their education for careers in college teaching, library science, law, public administration and the ministry. Many of our majors graduate into careers in secondary education, working in archival or museum settings, others gain employment in community service enterprises, the government or business. Whichever choice a student makes, the study of history allows a student to engage in a variety of occupations, whether at home or abroad. And remember, history does not judge the past, historians do.

Public History Emphasis: Public history focuses on the preservation and interpretation of history in public settings and in conversation with public audiences. Public history includes wide variety of subfields ranging from curation, museum education, and historic preservation to interpretation, documentary film, and archival management. Students who pursue careers in public history might work as archivists, museum curators, or historic preservationists. Public historians help to write, create, and understand history, as well as influence the formulation of public policy.  Toward this end, students seeking a public history designation need particular skills and familiarity with a variety of environments. Students seeking this area of emphasis will develop the skills necessary to work in libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and interpretative centers.

More History details at www.augie.edu/history.