2018-2019 Undergraduate General Catalog

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Students shall have a right to due process. This shall include the right:
    1. to be informed of the nature of the violation,
    2. to a fair hearing of the evidence leading to a decision in the case, either by the professor involved or (at the discretion of the professor involved) by the Honor Board,
    3. to be accompanied to any hearing before the Honor Board by an advisor from the Augustana campus community,
    4. to request an appeal.
  2. Students will be expected to sign the Honor Pledge after each examination and on other assignments deemed appropriate by the faculty member.
  3. Students who do not sign the pledge will be contacted by the instructor in regard to the reason. Students who do not sign the Honor Pledge because they have observed dishonest behavior by other students will need to provide written testimony in the event that the case goes to a hearing before the Honor Board, but will not be obligated to testify in person and will also remain anonymous.
  4. Students found to be in violation of the Honor Code shall not be permitted to withdraw from the class in which the violation occurred.