2018-2019 Undergraduate General Catalog

Honor Code Rights and Responsibilities

We aim in all our work to foster integrity as an abiding characteristic of the Augustana community. To that end, the Honor Code is rooted in a shared covenant between faculty and students. The responsibilities of every faculty member and student as vital participants in the Honor Code are defined as follows:

Faculty Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Faculty autonomy is to be safeguarded, as the work of the classroom is primarily the responsibility of faculty members.
  2. Faculty members will choose whether or not to proctor examinations.
  3. All faculty members will include statements that affirm the Honor Code in their syllabi. These statements will include descriptions of likely penalties. Uniform language will be provided for faculty members to use.
  4. The faculty members will include the Honor Pledge on every examination and on other assignments as deemed appropriate by the faculty member.
  5. The faculty member will contact in a timely manner any student who does not sign the Honor Pledge.
  6. The faculty member who brings forward evidence of instances of academic dishonesty will be responsible to testify if the case is forwarded to the Honor Board.

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Students shall have a right to due process. This shall include the right:
    1. to be informed of the nature of the violation,
    2. to a fair hearing of the evidence leading to a decision in the case, either by the professor involved or (at the discretion of the professor involved) by the Honor Board,
    3. to be accompanied to any hearing before the Honor Board by an advisor from the Augustana campus community,
    4. to request an appeal.
  2. Students will be expected to sign the Honor Pledge after each examination and on other assignments deemed appropriate by the faculty member.
  3. Students who do not sign the pledge will be contacted by the instructor in regard to the reason. Students who do not sign the Honor Pledge because they have observed dishonest behavior by other students will need to provide written testimony in the event that the case goes to a hearing before the Honor Board, but will not be obligated to testify in person and will also remain anonymous.
  4. Students found to be in violation of the Honor Code shall not be permitted to withdraw from the class in which the violation occurred.

Honor Code Determinations:

At a minimum, a student found to have violated the Honor Code will be placed on disciplinary warning.
  1. A disciplinary warning is a written notice that the student has violated the Honor Code.
  2. If a disciplinary warning is issued, further violations will likely lead to disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion.

Other consequences include, but are not limited to:

  1. Failure of the assignment or examination.
  2. Failure of the course.
  3. Disciplinary probation; a written reprimand for violation of the Honor Code. The probation specifies the period and conditions of the consequence. The written conditions shall also give the student notice of any consequences related to further violation of the Honor Code during the probationary period. If disciplinary probation is issued, further violations will likely lead to a suspension, or expulsion.
  4. Recommendation to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs to suspend from the University. A suspension is a separation of the student from Augustana for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  5. Recommendation to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs to expel from the University. An expulsion is a permanent separation of the student from Augustana University.

Note: Any student who receives disciplinary action becomes ineligible to run for or continue in any elected office or appointed position for at least one year with any of the following organizations including but not limited to: ASA Student Senate, Union Board of Governors, the Mirror and New Student Orientation.