2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog


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COMM 300 Intercultural/International Communication

This course will help students build knowledge of some of the theories, processes and practices of international/intercultural communication. It will examine the role of communication in the creation and negotiation of shared identities between and across cultures. The course will place particular emphasis on the role of media, public relations, and other public communication strategies that nation-states, corporations and non-profit organizations use to create shared meaning within and between countries.



COMM 310 Communication Theory

This course examines the evolution of communication theories from the classical Greeks to modern times. However, the primary emphasis of the course will be on contemporary theories and theorists. This course seeks to promote both an understanding of, and a critical perspective concerning, communication theories.




200-Level COMM course

COMM 350 Organizational Communication

A study of the structure and function of communication in organizations. The focus of the course will involve the concepts and principles needed for effective management of organizational communication processes. Attention will be paid to the way organizations behave and communicate, the problems that individuals encounter in organizations, effective management of organizational communication processes, and the special role of communication as the central, binding force which allows for organized behavior.




COMM 110

COMM 360 Persuasive Campaigns

A study of the application of the theory and techniques of coactive persuasion in sustained settings (campaigns). This course will examine the theory and techniques used in planning, implementing, and evaluating product/service (advertising), political, and social action campaigns. In addition, under the close supervision of the instructor, students will participate in the design and execution of a research project which examines a legitimate question of interest and importance to practitioners and analysts of contemporary campaigns.




COMM 260

COMM 365 Public Relations

The principles and practice of public relations. Lectures, reading, and discussion will introduce students to the theories, techniques, and application of public relations. In addition, case studies and group and individual projects will be used to refine and apply course concepts.



Cross Listed Courses

JOUR 365

COMM 380 Mass Media Effects

An examination of the actual and potential effects of mass media communication. Initially the course will focus on the theories which have been, and are, used to evaluate the impact of the mass media. Then the course will examine specific mass media effects, including: television and cognitive development, the impact of the mass media emphasis on violence and sex, the media and role stereotyping, agenda setting, the impact of the media on politics, the U.S. media and the world, and the potential of the mass media to educate for positive social change. Mass media effects receiving emphasis will vary from semester to semester.



COMM 395 Internship

Internship in Communication Studies.




Department Chair Approval.

COMM 397 Topics:

The Department of Communication Studies will occasionally offer special seminars on timely subjects of interest to departmental majors.



COMM 398 Communication Honors Seminar

Communication Studies majors may independently develop and complete a research project under the supervision of a Communication Studies faculty member.




Permission of the Instructor and Department Chair

COMM 399 Independent Study

Individual work under the direction of departmental faculty. This option is designed for Communication majors who seek an opportunity for in-depth study beyond the scope and/or depth of departmental course offerings. This option is considered additive to-not substitutive of-required departmental course offerings.




Permission of the Instructor and Department Chair