2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog

MDFL - Modern Foreign Languages

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MDFL 152 Central and West-African Cinema

This course will survey Central and West African film from the 1960’s to the present. Class discussion and analysis will center around key social and political issues: confronting (post)colonialism, corruption and violence in post-colonial societies, the positive and negative effects of traditions, identity formation and coming of age, and changing women’s roles in modern Africa. All films are subtitled in English; no previous training in French or film studies is required.



MDFL 197 Topics:

Courses that offer students opportunities to study issues surrounding and related to modern foreign languages, cultures and literatures.



MDFL 297 Topics:

Courses that offer students opportunities to study issues surrounding and related to modern foreign languages, cultures and literatures.



MDFL 397 Topics:

Courses that offer students opportunities to study issues surrounding and related to modern foreign languages, cultures and literatures.



MDFL 400 Honors Thesis

Designed with and approved by a supervising MDFL faculty member, the senior project allows students to pursue additional study and research in world languages, cultures, and literatures. Students work under the supervision of an individual faculty member. A public presentation in the target language is required. Typically completed during the last semester of MDFL coursework. Grading System: S/U only. Conducted in the target language.




300-level MDFL course; Permission of the Instructor