2022-2023 Undergraduate General Catalog

GENL - General Studies

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GENL 100 Career Exploration and Engagement (WB2)

This course includes an overview of career decision-making theories and models that assist students, especially emerging adults, with the exploration of life goals, career options, and educational plans. Students will acquire lifelong career planning, management, life design, and adaptability skills. Activities are designed to accommodate students with different degrees of decidedness. Assignments involve self-exploration, occupational research, and decision-making strategies. The course concludes with an introduction to the job search process and the development of an action plan to achieve one’s goals. 







Cross Listed Courses



I am simply modifying the existing GENL 100 from 3 to 2 credits and tweaking the title

GENL 105 Off Campus Study Programs

Students participating in an approved interim, summer or semester-long study abroad experience register for this course.



GENL 116 Becoming a Master Student

An intensive opportunity for students to learn to adopt methods to promote their success in college. Participants will explore specific strategies for managing time commitments, improving memory, taking notes and studying for tests.



GENL 197 Topics:

Special Topics in General Studies.



GENL 255 Navigating a Diverse Society for Equity in STEM (WB)

This course examines diversity initiatives aimed at promoting cultural competency and social justice advocacy. Students will be exposed to viewpoints and positions that serve to enhance cognitive complexity, self-efficacy and cultural knowledge and understanding. Learning is applied beyond the classroom in community settings, promoting an understanding of community engagement to promote change and prepare leaders for living in and making a positive difference for a justice-centered global community. Special emphasis is placed on equity in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines as a means to create inclusive, culturally responsive, equitable learning environments for every student.




This course is a required course for two proposed new interdisciplinary majors, Composite science major and Composite mathematics and science major, designed primarily, although not exclusively, for students interested in becoming a secondary education teacher in a rural or remote setting. Specifically, the course is designed to broaden and enhance teacher preparation in science and math relatative to issues of diversity and equity in STEM education. The course will carry a GENL prefix and will not impact departmental offerings other than provide a relevant non-major elective for science and math departments.

GENL 256 Music and Theatre in Eastern Europe (A)

This course serves as a performing arts-based introduction to the history and culture of Central and Eastern Europe, with particular attention given to developments made in the lands that once formed the sprawling multi-ethnic empire of Austria-Hungary.



GENL 257 Dharma: Life, Religion, Music and Literature in Contemporary India (PW)

This study course travels Northern India. Students study the Ramayana and the Bhavagad Gita as foundation texts. Students are introduced to Indian music, performing artists, and the tradition of yoga. Students study Hinduism on the banks of the Ganges and Buddhism under the branches of the Bodhi Tree. The course begins in Delhi, India’s capital city, and continues to Agra, Bodhgaya, Varanasi, Jaipur, Kolkata, and Haridwar. At each site students explore literature, history, culture, and music that express the truths of the religious traditions.



GENL 297 Topics:

Special Topics in General Studies.



GENL 395 Internship

Internships permit students the opportunity to explore and obtain practical experience in a professional area of interest. Permission of Advisor and Department Chairperson is required.



GENL 397 Topics:

Special Topics in General Studies.



GENL 495 Internship

Internships permit students the opportunity to explore and obtain practical experience in a professional area of interest. Permission of Advisor and Department Chairperson is required.
