2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Course Definition

A graduate level course examines ideas in a more in-depth way than an undergraduate course. First, it focuses on key issues and topics which would be important to the professional in the field. Second, students in a graduate course will be required to become familiar with research literature about the subject. The third element of a graduate course is a substantial writing assignment, which demonstrates that students not only understand their subject in depth, but that they have intellectually engaged the most recent research and writing about their particular subject.

Unless otherwise approved for a specific program, graduate programs at Augustana University include an Integrative Studies Core of three courses. These included 600: Introduction to Graduate Research is required in all programs. The other two Master Seminar courses of the Integrative Studies Core vary for different programs.
A faculty paper tutor will advise and direct the student in the preparation of the graduate paper (see page 9 for a description of the graduate paper requirement). A student may register for this tutorial only after successful completion of the 600: Introduction to Graduate Research course. The student will complete the tutorial no later than the final term of his/her planned program of studies. To register for the tutorial, the student must submit the form: Application for Candidacy Part A, Permission to Register for 698. The student must bring the completed and signed permission form (available from the graduate web page), with a copy of the research proposal attached, to the Office of Graduate Education. This course is numbered (Department) 698 and is graded S/U. The final grade for 698 will be submitted after the student has completed the paper and passed the oral exam. A maximum of one year is allowed for completion of the tutorial. In the M.A. in Education program, 698 is replaced with EDUC 695 Field Placement Experience. OR
695: RESEARCH SYNTHESIS PROJECT (3 credit hours)
(For the M.A.in Education program.)
697: TOPICS IN (DEPARTMENT) (2-4 credit hours)
Departments may use this title to offer one-time courses on special topics within their discipline. These courses are numbered (Department) 697.
599/699: INDEPENDENT STUDY (2-4 credit hours)
Students may contract with a faculty member to undertake a learning experience through independent study. The independent learning experience may be a regular departmental course at the 500 level or above (called independent scholarship), or it may be uniquely designed to meet a student’s special interest in a topic not covered in the regular curriculum of the University. The objectives, activities, and methods of evaluation are worked out between the student and the faculty supervisor, using an independent study form obtained from the Registrar’s Office. These courses are numbered 599 or 699.