This course will offer greater understanding of the history of medicine and how the hospital has become a central institution in the life cycle. Beginning with a basic introduction to contemporary healthcare in America, it will next offer a historic and scientific discussion of conception and child-birth. The course will then focus on cancer as an example of one of the diseases to which the human body is susceptible and conclude with a discussion of death as part of life. In addition, the course will take on the history of the hospital and the medical personnel who work within. Central to each of these themes will be the ethical questions and complexities that cannot be separated from the practical aspects of caring for life. Through case studies, lab work, invited guests and a visit to off-site medical research facilities, the class will offer students both an understanding of the biology of reproduction and cancer, as well as the increasingly complex nature of the science of care.
Natural Science Core course.
This course aims to understand what makes us who we are by exploring both the influences of our genes (nature) and experiences (nurture). These two mechanisms cannot be easily teased apart, so students in the course will discover how nature and nurture interact. Students will encounter concepts in behavior and basic molecular genetics through the exploration of the topics of eugenics, medical disorders, and genetic testing. The question of how society should use empirical evidence to frame policy will be addressed, along with discussions about the role of free will and personal accountability in these issues.
Natural Science Core course.
This course will be cross listed as a psychology course with the PSYC prefix.
This course has previously been taught as a capstone course. The instructors modified the course to address the SOPHIA outcomes.
An explosion of discoveries in genetics is sweeping through modern society, but with excitement and hope come misconceptions and risks. Today’s students will face ethical decisions concerning genetics that previous generations could only dream about. Therefore, a solid understanding of genetics and the ability to interpret new genetic discoveries through empirical evidence has become essential for a person’s ability to make decisions that support their well-being, allow them to be an informed voter on policy, and justly judge future developments in genetics. Using case-studies, guest speakers, videos, readings, and podcasts to complement small and large group discussion, the course will allow students to explore the unpinning principles of genetics, along with ethical dilemmas, such as genetic determinism, a paternalistic view of genetic information, and controversies surrounding genetic modification. The course is intended for students who are not majoring in the biological sciences.
Natural Science Core course.
This course will be cross listed as a psychology course with the PSYC prefix.
This course has previously been taught as a capstone course. The instructors modified the course to address the SOPHIA outcomes.
This course covers classical Mendelian analysis, mitosis and meiosis, genetic mapping, non-Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal structure and mutations, the structure of DNA and RNA, transcription, translation, molecular gene cloning and analysis, human genetics and the Human Genome Project, and population and quantitative genetics. The course includes 3 hours of laboratory per week, focused on experience in genetic mapping, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics.
This course is designed to provide students with STEM majors an introduction to biostatistical concepts and to the design and analysis of experiments, with the goal of equipping practicing scientists with the tools to analyze research data. The course emphasizes the application of statistical ideas and methods to the design and interpretation of biological experiments and comparative data sets, and includes a writing intensive approach. Students successfully completing this course will be able to develop and implement appropriate experimental design in conducting scientific research, carry out appropriate statistical analyses and interpretation for a variety of data types using several statistical platforms, critically read and interpret the statistical content of scientific journal articles in the biological and biomedical sciences, and exhibit advanced scientific writing skills.