Augustana Educational Outcomes
Augustana University provides an education of enduring worth that informs vocations of faith, life and service in family, work, and community. Augustana University students will:
- Gain knowledge of human cultures and the natural world through:
- Study in the natural sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts
- Exploring the Christian traditions and Lutheran scholarly heritage
- Develop strong intellectual practices in:
- Critical and creative thinking
- Analytical reasoning
- Ethical reasoning
- Effective communication
- Quantitative literacy
- Information literacy
- Cross-cultural literacy
- Deepen their understanding of personal and social responsibility through:
- Informed engagement with diverse value systems
- Civic knowledge and engagement, both locally and globally
- Care for self, community, and the world
- Apply what they have learned through:
- Integrative learning
- Experiential learning