2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog


PHYS 100PL Introduction and Principles of Engineering

This course is a combination of two Project Lead The Way courses. This course will satisfy the lab science general education requirement. 

Intro to Engineering Design: Students use the design process and industry standard 3D modeling software to design solutions to solve proposed problems.

Principles of Engineering: Students are exposed to major concepts like mechanisms, energy, statics, materials and kinematics.



PHYS 101PL Specialized Engineering

Students may take one or more of the following specializations:

Aerospace Engineering: Students explore the evolution of flight, flight fundamentals, navigation and control, aerospace materials, propulsion, space travel and orbital mechanics.

Biotechnical Engineering: Hands-on projects engage students in engineering design problems related to biomechanics, cardiovascular engineering, genetic engineering, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, forensics and bioethics.

Civil Engineering and Architecture: Students design and develop residential and commercial properties using 3D architectural design software.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Students explore manufacturing history, individual processes, systems and careers. The course also incorporates finance, ethics and engineering design.

Digital Electronics: Students are introduced to the process of combinational and sequential logic design, engineering standards and technical documentation. They are also exposed to programming integrated circuit kits and microcontrollers.



PHYS 102PL Engineering, Design and Development

Students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process.
